Send SMS Using JSON object

Send SMS Using JSON object

API Endpoint

Note: Few elements in the endpoint may change from service to service.



You can send sms using POST method content in body.

All params in send sms will support in JSON also.

root entry holds the default values for each node. You can overwite the root values inside nodes value except webhook_id, service and time.


  "root": {
    "type": "A",
    "flash": 0,
    "sender": "TXTSMS",
    "message": "global message",
    "service": "MKT",
    "webhook_id": "1234a-3444-34444-XXxx",
    "time": "",
    "entity_id": "222343XXXXXX",
    "template_id": "2290003XXXXXX"
  "nodes": [
      "to": "919019xxxx2",
      "custom": "346576-446565-45657-XFTR",
      "sender": "txtmes",
      "message": "Message from & json api node 1"
      "to": "9188xxxxxxxxxx",
      "custom": "34"


Name Descriptions
to Phone number to send with country prefix. (multiple numbers can be separated by comma.)
message The content of the SMS
sender The registered and approved Sender-id
service The short code of the service name. ex: (MKT) full list full list


Name Descriptions
name Name of the campaign (group_id will be returned in response)
webhook_id The id of the webhook created in Webhook Section for which the SMS response to be sent after delivery report from operator. read more
time Schedule time (in format i.e,yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) at which the SMS has to be sent.
type The SMS to be sent is Unicode, Normal or Auto detect. (value “U”, “N” or “A”)
flash This parameter can be used to send flash sms via API ( Values 1 or 0.)
custom Any customised parameters can be passed using this parameter
port Port number to which SMS has to be sent
entity_id Principal Entityid registered in DLT portal (applicable for indian routes only)
template_id TemplateId registered in DLT portal (applicable for indian routes only)
max_units The maximum number of units to be sent in the message ex:(value 2 or 3)

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url {endpoint}sms/send/json \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 209eccd40ee3a2e14af7fe45b21xxx'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "root": {
        "type": "A",
        "flash": 0,
        "sender": "TXTSMS",
        "message": "global message",
        "service": "MKT",
        "webhook_id": "1234-aabn13-23xxxxx",
        "time": "",
        "entity_id": "222343XXXXXX",
        "template_id": "2290003XXXXXX"
    "nodes": [
            "to": "919019xxxx2",
            "custom": "346576-446565-45657-XFTR",
            "sender": "txtmes",
            "message": "Message from & json api node 1"
            "to": "9188xxxxxxxxxx",
            "custom": "34"

Example Response

  "status": 200,
  "message": "2 numbers accepted for delivery.",
  "data": [
      "id": "b34e35ad-fe34-4a8b-977c-b21cd76cd7d6:1",
      "mobile": "919019xxxx2",
      "status": "AWAITING-DLR",
      "units": 1,
      "length": 7,
      "charges": 1,
      "customid": "346576-446565-45657-XFTR",
      "iso_code": null,
      "submitted_at": "2018-07-09 16:27:35"
      "id": "b34e35ad-fe34-4a8b-977c-b21cd76cd7d6:1",
      "mobile": "9188xxxxxxxxxx",
      "status": "AWAITING-DLR",
      "units": 1,
      "length": 7,
      "charges": 1,
      "customid": "34",
      "iso_code": null,
      "submitted_at": "2018-07-09 16:27:35"

You can get group_id of the SMS campaing when you sent name paramter in api as mentioned in below example.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url {endpoint}sms/send/json \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 209eccd40ee3a2e14af7fe45b21xxx'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "root": {
        "name": "Name of the Campaing",
        "type": "A",
        "flash": 0,
        "sender": "TXTSMS",
        "message": "global message",
        "service": "MKT",
        "dlr_url": "{status}",
        "time": "",
        "entity_id": "222343XXXXXX",
        "template_id": "2290003XXXXXX"
    "nodes": [
            "to": "919019xxxx2",
            "custom": "346576-446565-45657-XFTR",
            "sender": "txtmes",
            "message": "Message from & json api node 1"
            "to": "9188xxxxxxxxxx",
            "custom": "34"

Example Response With group_id

  "status": 200,
  "message": "2 numbers accepted for delivery.",
  "group_id": "b34e35ad-fe34-4a8b-977c-b21cd76cd7d6",
  "data": [
      "id": "b34e35ad-fe34-4a8b-977c-b21cd76cd7d6:1",
      "mobile": "919019xxxx2",
      "status": "AWAITING-DLR",
      "units": 1,
      "length": 7,
      "charges": 1,
      "customid": "346576-446565-45657-XFTR",
      "iso_code": null,
      "submitted_at": "2018-07-09 16:27:35"
      "id": "b34e35ad-fe34-4a8b-977c-b21cd76cd7d6:2",
      "mobile": "9188xxxxxxxxxx",
      "status": "AWAITING-DLR",
      "units": 1,
      "length": 7,
      "charges": 1,
      "customid": "34",
      "iso_code": null,
      "submitted_at": "2018-07-09 16:27:35"