The WEBHOOK Push API enables the delivery of smart link visit reports to the client’s specified URL using the POST method.

To request these reports, you must first create a webhook URL in the Webhooks section. When creating a smart link, ensure that you select the corresponding webhook that you previously created.

Upon receiving visits to the smart link, we will send a POST request in JSON format to the specified webhook URL. The request will contain the following parameters


Name Description
id Smart link visit Id generated by us
link_id Smart link Id
user_agent User agent fo the browser
browser Name of web browser Ex: chrome, mozilla..
browser_version Version of the web browser Ex: 3.9.1
platform Platform of the device Ex: Android, Ubuntu, iOS, Windows…
device_type Type of the device Ex: desktop, smartphone…
device_brand Brand name of the device Ex: Samsung, OPPO..
country Full name of the country Ex: India
country_code Country code Ex: IN full list
region Region name it will provide Ex: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu…
city City name it will provide Ex: Bangalore, Mumbai…
mobile Mobile number with country code Ex: 891952XXXX
created_at Visited Date in date format (yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s)

Example Url

  https://www.domain.com/ack/receive \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
      "id": "b34e35ad-fe34-4a8b-977c-b21cd76cd7d6:1",
      "link_id": 246,
      "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0)",
      "browser": "Goole Chorme",
      "browser_version": "23.3.1,
      "platform": "Android",
      "device_type": "smartphone",
      "device_brand": "Redmi",
      "country": "india",
      "country_code": "IN",
      "region" : "Karnataka",
      "city" : "Bangalore",
      "mobile": "9189195XXXXX",
      "created_at": "2021-04-09 16:27:39",
  • The method used for sending the webhook report onto the client’s URL is POST.

  • The same replacement variables can be used for long url while creating smart link.